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 Yahrtzeit, Kaddish, and Memorial Plaques



The Yiddish word “Yahrtzeit “means yearly time. It is a yearly observance that takes place on the anniversary of death. It is a special day for the departed loved one we remember as well as for the living.

Yahrtzeit is the personal Yom Kippur for the “neshama” (the soul). Each Yom Kippur we, the living, are judged for how we lived during the past year. Likewise, on the soul’s personal Yom Kippur each year, the soul is judged for what happened during the past year with the legacy it left on earth. How are his/her children and descendants carrying themselves? What kind of lives are they leading? And what is the continuing impact of the good deeds that were performed during physical life? Judaism provides us with a gift. We not only have a special day to remember our loved one but we can connect spiritually to them and bring them honor by elevating our personal behavior. Yes, a candle is lit and Kaddish is said but the Yahrtzeit experience can be elevated in many ways. Please feel free to contact Rabbi and Esther for creative ways to make the Yahrtzeit of your loved one even more meaningful.

Kaddish at Chofetz Chayim

The Kaddish has been recited by mourners for nearly 2000 years. Kaddish literally means “sanctification”. When said publicly, it calls upon the congregation to praise and acknowledge G-d. It bestows merit on the deceased and atones for wrongs that he or she may have done. It is also a form of acceptance of G-d’s judgment by affirming belief in the greatness of G-d and recognizing Him as King. It also brings comfort to the mourner as it helps them realize that although the physical world is transitory, a greater, infinite reality exists beyond the reach of our physical senses.

Kaddish is recited in the presence of a minyan. It should be said at every prayer service for 11 months following the burial. In the event that Kaddish cannot be said by a family member it is customary to designate a reliable person to serve as a proxy.

Arrangements can be conveniently made with Congregation Chofetz Chayim to have Kaddish said at our daily Shabbos and Holiday services. Please contact Rabbi Becker for more information.

Memorial Plaques

Our synagogue is graced with Memorial Tablets upon which may be inscribed the names of our dear departed ones. Each name is inscribed on an individual  plaque bearing the name of the deceased and the Yahrtzeit date in both Hebrew and English. Memorial lights are kindled on the Yahrtzeit and at every Yizkor (Memorial) Service. One of the most moving parts of the Holiday Service is during Yizkor, when Rabbi Becker walks from the bimah to the Yahrtzeit board to say the Kel Maleh (a prayer to rest in peace bound to G-d) for those departed loved ones whose names are engraved on our Yahrtzeit board. With a Torah scroll on each side of him each name is mentioned individually. By dedicating a plaque, your loved one will be mentioned in prayer each time Yizkor is said throughout the year and also at the time of the Yahrtzeit date.

The cost to dedicate each Yahrtzeit plaque is $600.00.

Please contact Rabbi Becker for more information or fill out the form below.

Phone Number

Please enter English Name exactly as you would like it inscribed.

To use the Hebrew Keyboard, click black box to the right of the field.

To use the Hebrew Keyboard, click the black box to the right of the field.

To use Hebrew keyboard, click black box to right of field

Please check the box to the left to acknowledge that there is a $600 charge for your plaque purchase.


Sun, September 8 2024 5 Elul 5784